Liqun Fu

Chinese Version

Distinguished professor of Minjiang scholars, Doctoral supervisor
Address: Room 705B, Administration Building #C, Haiyun Park, Xiamen University, 361005
Email: liqun @
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Liqun Fu, distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor of Minjiang Scholars of Xiamen University; Deputy director of National Local Joint Engineering Research Center for navigation and location service technology; Director of Future Network Laboratory (FUNLab). Dr. of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, postdoctoral fellow of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and kth of the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology. Being selected into the 12th batch of national overseas high-level talents (Youth Projects), Fujian Province "Minjiang Scholars" award program, and Fujian Province 100 people plan high-level talents. IEEE senior member.
Professor Fu's current research orientations mainly include large-scale network resource scheduling and optimization, wireless communication and network, underwater acoustic communication and network, etc. In recent years, she has published more than 60 academic papers in international top journals and conferences in related fields. Her scientific research work has been awarded the international research fund for distinguished scholars by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the ACCESS scholar research fund of the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology. She served as the vice chairman of the Asia Pacific Information Service Committee of the IEEE Communication Society (2018-2019), and the vice chairman of the green cognitive communication and computing network topic group of the IEEE comsoc green communication and computing Committee (2012-2014). And served as editorial board member of IEEE communications letters (2021 present), editorial board member of jcin Journal_ 2019 present). She has been served as the (vice) chairman of the top international conference committee in related fields for many times: the chairman of the technical committee of international conferences such as IEEE infocom gcccn workshop 2014, IEEE infocom GSCN workshop 2016, and IEEE wiopt 2018 etc.



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