[13 Apr. 2023]陈新潼的论文 “IRS-Aided Sectorized Base Station Design and 3D Coverage Performance Analysis”
被 IEEE IWQoS 2023 接收。祝贺!
[17 Nov. 2022]游铭杭的论文 “Subcarrier Index Modulation Aided Non-Coherent Chaotic Communication System for Underwater Acoustic Communications”
被 IEEE WASA 2022 接收。祝贺!
[21 Jun. 2022]张一帆的论文 “Energy-Efficient Trajectory Design for UAV-Aided Maritime Data Collection in Wind”
被 IEEE TWC 2022 接收。祝贺!
[8 Mar. 2022]童景文的论文“Two-Stage Resource Allocation in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Hybrid Networks via Multi-Player Bandits ”
被IEEE Transactions on Communications接收。祝贺!
[19 Jan. 2022]周倩的论文“Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduling Scheme for the NR-U/WiGig Coexistence in Unlicensed mmWave Bands ”
被IEEE ICC 2020接收。祝贺!
[19 Jan. 2022]陈臻臻的论文“Over-the-Air Computing Aided Federated Learning and Analytics via Belief Propagation Based Stochastic Bandits”
被IEEE ICC 2022接收。祝贺!
[19 Jan. 2022]赵信博的论文“Broadband Digital Over-the-Air Computation for Asynchronous Federated Edge Learning”
被IEEE ICC 2022接收。祝贺!
[1 Oct. 2021]游理钊教授的论文“Fast Configuration Change Impact Analysis for Network Overlay Data Center Networks”被IEEE Transactions on Networking接收。祝贺!
[5 Sep. 2021]刘圣波的论文“Improving End-to-end Throughput in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Cut-through Capability ”
被IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 接收。 祝贺!
[31 Aug. 2021]钟凯琪的论文“ Optimal Throughput of the Full-duplex Two-way Relay System with Energy Harvesting”
被 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2021接收。祝贺!
[17 Aug. 2021]韩兴隆的论文“Hybrid Beamforming for Full-Duplex Enabled Cellular System in the Unlicensed mmWave Band ”
被IEEE GLOBECOM 2021接收。祝贺!
[17 Aug. 2021]凌碧烽的论文“Placement Optimization and Power Control in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multiuser System ”
被IEEE GLOBECOM 2021接收。祝贺!
[16 Jul. 2021]叶小文的论文“Multi-channel Opportunistic Access for Heterogeneous Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning ”
被IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications接收。祝贺!
[4 Mar. 2021]童景文的论文“Throughput Enhancement of Full-Duplex CSMA Networks Using Multi-Player Bandits”
被IEEE Internet of Things Journal接收。祝贺!
[26 Jan. 2021]林童童的论文“Online Learning and Resource Allocation for User Experience Improvement in Mobile Edge Clouds ”
被IEEE ICC 2021接收。祝贺!
[30 Sep. 2020]叶小文的论文“ Deep Reinforcement Learning Based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks”
被IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 接收。 祝贺!
[19 Sep. 2020]黄愉芳的论文“Balancing Hidden-node and Exposed-node Problems in Full-duplex Enabled CSMA Networks ”
被IEEE GLOBECOM 2020接收。祝贺!
[17 Aug. 2020]叶小文的论文“ MAC Protocol for Multi-channel Heterogeneous Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”
被IEEE GLOBECOM 2020接收。祝贺!
[17 Aug. 2020]张一帆的论文“ Energy-efficient Cyclical Trajectory Design for UAV-aided Maritime Data Collection in Wind”
被IEEE GLOBECOM 2020接收。祝贺!
[5 Aug. 2020]朱泽文的论文“Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Energy Efficient Underwater Acoustic Communications”
被IEEE OCEANS Conference 2020接收。祝贺!
[4 Aug. 2020]汪梦雅的论文“ A Real-Time Software-Defined Acoustic Modem Based on USRP for Underwater Communications”
被IEEE OCEANS Conference 2020接收。祝贺!
[28 Jan. 2020]童景文的论文“Optimal Frequency and Rate Selection Using Unimodal Objective-Based Thompson Sampling Algorithm ”
被IEEE ICC 2020接收。祝贺!
[28 Jan. 2020]邱瑾的论文“ Placement Optimization of Aerial Base Stations with Deep Reinforcement Learning”
被IEEE ICC 2020接收。祝贺!
[26 Jan. 2020]叶芬的论文“ A Low-Complexity Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Based Channel Estimation Approach for Underwater Acoustic Baseband OFDM System”
被IEEE OCEANS Conference接收。祝贺!
[25 Jan. 2020]刘圣波的论文“End-to-end Throughput Optimization in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Cut-through Capability ”
被IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, online接收。祝贺!
[29 September 2019]叶小文的论文 “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks” 被 WUWNet 2019 接收。祝贺!
[21 September 2019]吕江滨教授的论文 “Achieving Max-Min Throughput in LoRa Networks” 被 IEEE ICNC 2020 接收。祝贺!
[10 September 2019]FUNLAB迎来博士生钟凯琪、硕士生汪梦雅、叶芬、应忠翔、张一帆、朱泽文、凌碧烽、林童童、韩兴隆、吴占。 欢迎!
[19 July 2019]童景文的论文 “Throughput Enhancement of Full-Duplex CSMA Networks via Adversarial Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandit” 被 IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 接收。祝贺!
[19 June 2019]钟凯琪的论文 “Optimal Throughput of the ANC based Two-way Relay System with Energy Harvesting” 被 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) 2019 接收。祝贺!
[02 May 2019]吕江滨教授的论文 “UAV_Aided Offloading for Cellular Hotspot” 成为ESI高引用论文。 祝贺!
[22 April 2019]吕江滨教授的论文 “Network-Connected UAV: 3D System Modeling and Coverage Performance Analysis” 被IEEE Internet of Things Journal 接收。 祝贺!
[09 January 2019]刘圣波的论文 “Hidden-node Problem in Full-duplex Enabled CSMA Networks” 被IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 接收。 祝贺!
[10 September 201]李海宇的论文 “A LFM-based Adaptive Wake-up Singal Detection Approach for Underwater Acoustic Communication System” 被 2018 ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems 接收。祝贺
[10 September 2018]徐景鑫的论文 “Doppler effect mitigation over mobile underwater acoustic OFDM system” 被 2018 ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems 接收。 祝贺!
[10 September 2018]FUNLAB迎来博士生童景文、刘圣波以及硕士生王凤宇、邱嘉航、赖舒悦、叶小文、李徐竹、全旭、黄愉芳。 欢迎!
[01 June 2018]胡晓毅教授、王德清教授、解永军工程师,岳蕾工程师,硕士研究生徐景鑫、李海宇加入FUNLAB。 欢迎!
[01 December 2017]吕江滨教授加入Funlab。 欢迎!
[01 August 201]付立群教授成为IEEE Senior Member。
[01 August 201]FUNLAB获得国家自然科学基金基金委员会的基金,并于2018年一月开始筹建。
[01 June 2017]付立群教授成为ICC 2018 的技术委员会委员。
[01 May 201]付立群教授的论文 ‘‘Energy Saving with Network Coding Design over Rayleigh Fading Channel” 被 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications接收。祝贺!
[01 April 2017]付立群教授受邀在厦门理工大学(XMUT)发表题为 “Low complexity, energy efficient design of wireless networks” 的报告。
[01 April 2017]付立群教授成为INFOCOM 2018 的技术委员会委员。
[01 April 2017]付立群教授所写的章节 ‘‘Energy Efficient Design in Cognitive MIMO Systems’’ 被Handbook of Cognitive Radio, Springer收录。
[01 February 2017] 付立群教授被选举为2017-2018年的中国大学生社团竞赛项目的认知网络技术委员会委员。
[01 January 2017]付立群教授受邀成为GLOBECOM 2017 的技术委员会委员。
[01 December 2016]付立群教授受邀在上海交通大学(SJTU)2016香农研讨主题会发表题为 “Low complexity, energy efficient design of wireless networks” 的报告。
[01 October 2016]付立群教授的论文‘‘Energy efficient D2D communications in dynamic TDD systems” 被 IEEE Transactions on Communications接收。
[01 July 2016]付立群教授受邀在香港中文大学(CUHK)网络编码研究所发表题为“Low complexity, energy efficient design of wireless networks” 的报告
[01 July 2016] 付立群教授受邀在澳门科技大学(MUST)发表题为 “Low complexity, energy efficient design of wireless networks” 的报告
[01 April 2016]付立群教授受邀成为INFOCOM 2017 的技术委员会委员。
[01 February 2016]付立群教授的论文 ‘‘Energy conservation of bidirectional cellular relay network over Rayleigh fading channels” 被 GSNC Workshop of INFOCOM 2016接收。
[01 September 2015]付立群教授的论文 ‘‘Throughput capacity of IEEE 802.11 many-tofrom-one bidirectional networks with physical-layer network coding,’’ 被IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications接收。
[02 May 2015]付立群教授在香港中文大学的网络优化和经济学研讨会发表题为 ‘‘Energy efficient design in MIMO cognitive radio network” 的报告。
[01 May 2015]付立群教授的论文‘‘Energy Efficient Transmissions in Cognitive MIMO Systems with Multiple Data Streams’’ 被IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications接收